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Human-Centred Teamwork Analytics

Collocated teamwork remains a critical part of many professions. The Human-Centred Teamwork Analytics project is using multimodal activity traces (e.g., location, movement, speech, actions) to assist the formative assessment and improvement of collocated teamwork among nursing students.

The project aims to transform collocated teamwork, currently an ephemeral phenomenon, into a translucent phenomenon. Salient features of team interaction (simulation-based healthcare) are captured and visualised in ways that are meaningful to both educators and students. The feedback design is co-designed with the stakeholders, is grounded in learning and teamwork theory, and is provided automatically, to assist team debriefing by the instructor after a simulation exercise.

The project is funded by the Australian Research Council (DP210100060, 2021-24), led by Monash University (PI: Dragan Gasevic), building on the extensive work with UTS Health Faculty led by Roberto Martinez-Maldonado when he was a CIC postdoctoral research fellow, who with Simon Buckingham Shum co-supervised two PhD projects by Vanessa Echeverria and Gloria Fernandez-Nieto.

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The main project website is TeamworkAnalytics.net where you will find details of the team, latest news and research publications reporting how and why we have developed this infrastructure, and how we study its effectiveness.
