Home / CIC Staff

CIC Staff

This should be a fun page which looks like this example (from AWA) — what we need from each person is their chosen photo and a brief line about what interests you, or perhaps a quirky quote to go in the thought bubble.

Your title goes under photo so no need to say this in your bubble, and then add
links to your email, phone, UTS homepage (if you maintain this), personal blog (if you have one), linkedin, twitter, slideshare and Shawn will iconise them

Simon Buckingham Shum – Director

“Commitment to human-centred design is the frontier challenge for data science, and drives what we do here.”

social channels

Screen Shot 2015-07-21 at 12.32.08 pm

CIC Board of Studies

Professor Shirley Alexander
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students)

Professor Simon Buckingham Shum (Chair)
Director, Connected Intelligence Centre

Simon Kwan
Advanced Analytics Institute

Associate Professor Jo McKenzie
Director, Institute for Multimedia and Learning

Faculty Representatives:

Associate Professor Matthew Kearney
Arts and Social Sciences

Associate Professor Bernhard Wieder

Dr Kate Sweetapple
Design, Architecture and Building

Associate Professor Paul Kennedy
Engineering and Information Technology

Dr Jen Bichel-Findlay

Professor Rodney Fisher

Professor Louise Ryan


Master of Data Science & Innovation

Senior Academics:

Dr Theresa Anderson
Course Coordinator MDSI and Subject Coordinator, Data, Algorithms and Meaning

Dr Jen Bichel-Findlay
Subject Coordinator, Data Science for Innovation

Dr Tapan Rai
Subject Coordinator, Statistical Thinking for Data Science
