Time: 09:00 AM
Location: CIC Ideation Studio, Zoom
PLSA UX/LX Workshop (CIC Ideation Studio)
This workshop brings together people from multiple universities to share what we know about the design of good User Experience and Learner Experience with systems like OnTask, that enable personalised student feedback at scale, by providing Personalised Learning Support Actions (PLSAs).
Through a combination of briefings and hands-on exercises, we will share what we know about the UX/LX dimensions of such tools, and map key challenges and ways to support each other in addressing them.
Workshop leads: Simon Buckingham Shum (CIC Director), Susan Hansen (UTS Faculty of Engineering & IT; Tobias Design), Olivia Rajit (UTS LX Lab)
Tune in remotely via https://utsmeet.zoom.us/j/931881415
except for the keynote talk which will be livestreamed and recorded here
Draft Program
8.30am Coffee and pastries
9am Welcome (Simon Buckingham Shum)
9.10am Who are we and why are we here? (Susan Hansen)
9.30am What are your burning questions? (Susan)
10am Keynote talk: ECoach: Tailored support for students in large introductory STEM courses
Holly Derry, MPH, Associate Director of Behavioral Science, University of Michigan Office of Academic Innovation
Holly is a behavioral scientist with more than 20 years of experience developing tailored behavior change interventions in health care and higher ed environments. She applies a variety of behavior change strategies, theory, and research to improve the habits of students who use the tools developed by Academic Innovation. Calling on motivational interviewing techniques, “sticky” communication strategies, and plain language standards, she crafts tailored messages that match each student’s profile. This means students receive a clear and personally meaningful message that they are less likely to resist and more likely to remember.
This talk will be held in a separate Zoom room and recorded
10.40am Q&A
11am Break
11.30am War Stories from the Front (10mins each + Q&A)
Successes and Failures in using PLSA systems
Sheridan Gentili (University of South Australia)
Jurgen Schulte (UTS Science)
James Wakefield (UTS Business)
Georgina Barrett-See (UTS HELPS)
Carmen Vallis (UTS Postgraduate.Futures)
1pm Lunch
2pm Co-design: the OnTask Edition of the Learning Analytics Deck (Carlos Prieto Alvarez)
Taster: giving stakeholders a voice through co-design using an OnTask specialisation of LA-DECK cards
3pm Priority UX Challenges? (Susan Hansen)
3.45pm Priority LX Challenges? (Olivia Rajit)
4.30pm Next steps to move this conversation forward
5pm Drinks