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Search Results for: abel

LAK21 Workshop: Engineering Learning Analytics Technology Environments (ELATE): Understanding iteration between data and theory, and design and deployment

Date April 13, 2021 - 4PM to 7 PM PST (according to LAK pre-conference schedule) Abstract Learning analytics (LA) researchers often fail to collect the necessary data to answer research questions due to a lack of understanding of what types of data they need. This workshop aims to advance understanding of the necessities of iterative processes in data collection and analysis to address the issue. The workshop includes panel talks by the organizers, who have experience in data collec...
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Using AcaWriter to help develop student writing

  Presenters: Sophie Abel, Shibani Antonette The Connected Intelligence Centre at UTS has developed a Writing Analytics software called ‘AcaWriter’ that can help develop students’ academic writing by providing automatic feedback on their writing. However, using the software standalone without integrating it in its educational context isn’t enough for students to make the best use of it. For learning analytic tools like AcaWriter to have a meaningful impact on learners, the tools should be...
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Using Student Data to Provide Semi-Auto-mated, Personalised Feedback: A Hands-on Tutorial

We know how important quality feedback is to learning, but we also know how time consuming this can be to provide. Moreover, while the quality and quantity of data traces generated from student activity are growing at an astonishing pace, this is useless if educators don’t have the capacity to make sense of this, and take appropriate, timely action to support students. How do we navigate this tension? This tutorial introduces a learning analytics tool called OnTask, which provides some automat...
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CIC @ ALASI 2018

CIC is making major contributions to training the next generation of Learning Analytics researchers and practitioners. At the forthcoming Australian Learning Analytics Summer Institute, the team is helping to run five sessions. Register now! Innovating learning analytics for sustainable impact Simon Buckingham Shum, Cassandra Colvin, Shane Dawson, Danny Liu, Pablo Munguia and Yi-Shan Tsai Using Canvas data for learning analytics! Kirsty Kitto, Amelia Brennan, Danny Liu, Travis Cox and Steve Le...
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OnTask & Learning Analytics API Workshop

https://youtu.be/QNEhB2do7V4 This workshop brings together system architects from multiple universities interested in the future of the OnTask architecture, and the Learning Analytics API (LA-API) architecture. Both are open source projects from nationally funded OLT projects, with the LA-API expanding the range of data sources that learning analytics services (such as OnTask) can reason about. Workshop leads: Prof. Abelardo Pardo (Univ. S. Australia; OnTask Project Lead) and Dr Kirsty Kitto (...
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ALASI2019: Panel debate – the validity of using student evaluation surveys for performance based funding at Australian universities

Leonie Payne1, Kirsty Kitto1, Michael Pracy1, Jason Lodge2, Abelardo Pardo3 Abstract The Australian Federal Government announced in August 2019 that aspects of the Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) Student Experience and Graduate Outcomes surveys will form two of the four key metrics for performance based funding of Australian Universities from 2020. Given the lack of consensus on the validity and appropriate use of student evaluations of teaching, it is time to explore t...
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Ensuring automated feedback is pedagogically sound (DAFFI 2020)

We all know that feedback is critical for learning — and we all appreciate how demanding this can be for educators to provide, to many students, in a consistently motivating, and detailed way. This is a challenge studied by educational researchers of feedback design and feedback literacy.   Designing Automated Feedback for Impact brought some of the leading researchers in this field into a 2-day dialogue with researchers developing automated-feedback tools using Learning Analytics/AI.  The or...
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Writing a better Research Abstract: free course + AI feedback!

CIC Doctoral Researcher Sophie Abel specialises in academic writing, and has just published a free course on UTS Open, entitled "Writing an Abstract". Writing an Abstract is about an hour’s tutorial introducing the hallmarks of a good abstract, including a wide range of engaging interactive exercises. The course is based on Sophie’s PhD who brings her expertise in Academic Language & Learning to the challenge of designing automated feedback on writing. The course concepts are carried through...
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CIC @ LAK 2019

CIC was one of the most visible Learning Analytics centres at this year's international conference. Learn more about our diverse contributions. UTS was again contributing strongly at the annual International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK). This year's LAK was distinctive for CIC, with one of the invited keynotes being delivered by our very own  Shirley Alexander, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education & Students), who told the story of the UTS journey towards ...
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Decoding Big Data

Check out this story from the UTS news room, featuring some of our UTS data scientists, including CIC Director, Simon Buckingham Shum. Key points: Humans have been surrounded by data since the beginning of history, but what’s different today is that the rate at which data is now being created and stored is exponential Experts say a re-imagining of data could see societies move away from one-size-fits-all approaches and towards more tailored solutions for education, finance, sustainab...
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