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Search Results for: martinez

Special Issue on Multimodal Learning Analytics accepted for publication in UMUAI journal

Roberto Martinez-Maldonado (UTS) and colleagues have had a Special Issue on Multimodal Learning Analytics  & Personalised Support Across Spaces  accepted for publication in the Journal of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction. Special Issue Editors: Roberto Martinez-Maldonado (University of Technology Sydney), Davinia Hernandez-Leo (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and Abelardo Pardo (The University of Sydney) About this Special Issue publication: Learning often occurs in spaces and at mome...
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HealthSimLAK resources

HealthSimLAK Resources To have access to the following resources, please, send an email to Roberto Martinez-Maldonado roberto.martinez-maldonado[at]uts.edu.au Mobility Tracking Source-code Scripts for Open-source QGIS (qgis.org) Raw mobility data for all the teams in the UMAP'17 paper: "Modelling Embodied Mobility Teamwork Strategies in a Simulation-Based Healthcare Classroom"    
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HealthSimLAK: Multimodal Learning Analytics meet Patient Manikins

We are collaborating with the UTS Clinical Simulation team at the Faculty of Health to explore the potential that multimodal learning analytics can bring to generate reflection in Healthcare simulations using patient manikins. Healthcare simulations are hands-on learning experiences aimed at allowing students to practice essential skills that they may need when working with real patients in clinical workplaces. Some clinical classrooms at UTS are equipped with patient manikins that can...
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UTS ECR Grant 2017: High Performance Teamwork Analytics in Physical Spaces

An UTS ECR grant 2017 (20k) was granted to our CIC Educational Data Science Research Fellow, Dr. Martinez-Maldonado to conduct research in the area of High Performance Teamwork Analytics in Physical Spaces. This project aims to create visual analytics techniques to support collocated, high performance teamwork in areas of professional practice. Supporting teamwork is important, as collaborating effectively is a key 21st century workforce skill. The particular added value of this research is tha...
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UTS wins award at International Learning Analytics Conference

A collaborative research paper produced by academics from the UTS Connected Intelligence Centre (CIC) and UTS Pharmacy has been awarded Best Full Paper at the 7th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference in Canada. Dr Andrew Gibson, Dr Simon Knight. Dr Adam Aitken and Professor Simon Buckingham Shum from the UTS CIC along with Dr Agnes Sandor from the Xerox Research Centre in France and UTS Pharmacy academic Dr Cherie Lucas were recognised in Vancouver, BC, at the conference ru...
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CIC recently shared its work in diverse forms and topics at the 7th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK17). LAK17  was held in Vancouver, Canada from March 13-17, 2017  and was organised by the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SOLAR).  This annual conference brings together a diversity of researchers focused on the many transdisciplinary fields associated with learning analytics and provides a forum to address critical issues and challenges confronting t...
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Collaboration Analytics

Learning Analytics for understanding small-group collaborative processes in multi-device spaces Roberto Martinez-Maldonado (CIC), Simon BuckinghamShum (CIC), Vanessa Echeverria (CIC- PhD student) Communicating and articulating thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal communication channels, in a variety of forms and contexts, are critical 21st century skills for lifelong learning. Part of the work that some of the members of CIC have previously done consisted in suppor...
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CIC @ the Australian HCI Conference (OzCHI ’16)

CIC's Dr. Roberto Martinez-Maldonado attended the 28th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (OzCHI 2016) in Launceston, Tasmania. The conference theme "Connected Futures" highlighted the importance of connectedness through technology. OzCHI is an annual conference for the Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group (CHISIG) which is one of the leading forums for the latest in HCI research and practice in the Asia-Pacific area. The conference brought together an international...
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National Researcher Level 1 Award

Congratulations to CIC research fellow, Roberto Martinez-Maldonado who has been awarded a National Researcher Level 1 by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), Mexico for the period 2017-2019. This includes the admission to the National Research System (SNI) which facilitates access to further sources of funding and will allow Roberto to be more involved in a number of initiatives. Becoming a member of the SNI is a very competitive endeavour. It requires the researcher to p...
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Key Technology Partner Visiting Fellowship Program

Key Technology Partner (KTP) Visiting Fellowship Program awarded one of CIC’s research fellows, Roberto Martinez-Maldonado with a grant to fund, Mykola Pechenizkiy a Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology to travel to UTS and CIC in February 2017. Mykola is one of the leading researchers in Educational Data Mining (President of the International EDM Society).This funding seeks to develop long-term collaboration with UTS and CIC and Eindhoven University and to explore opportunities for ...
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