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Ph.D Learning Analytics

We are delighted to announce that CIC’s doctoral program in Learning Analytics is offering three UTS Scholarships for 2017.

CIC’s mission is to invent, evaluate and theorise the design of human-centered data science and learning analytics. As you will see from our work, and the three PhD topics advertised, a core theme is analytics techniques to nurture in learners the creative, critical, sensemaking qualities needed for lifelong learning, employment and citizenship in a complex, data-saturated society.

While our first priority is the future of learning and teaching, we also anticipate broader applications of the tools we develop, to address data science challenges in other research fields and in UTS business operations.

We invite you to apply for a place if you are committed to working in a transdisciplinary team to invent user-centered analytics tools in close partnership with the UTS staff and students who are our ‘clients’.


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