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Learning Analytics Dilemmas

There are inherent tensions in designing and implementing learning analytics. These include concerns about where we allocate resources, how we intervene, and which actors should receive what information. While existing ethics guidelines and regulatory frameworks – including privacy legislation – provide context for reasoning about these issues, many decisions must be taken in which there are tensions or dilemmas. These dilemmas reflect our competing obligations, for example in group work contexts regarding the right to erasure (delete my data) vs the right to data portability (that data includes information about other actors, who have rights to portability). Many such dilemmas exist in learning contexts, comprising ethical (how do we maximise good and minimise harm) and epistemic (we act in uncertainty) dimensions. This project aims to investigate these dilemmas. It does this first through a series of participatory workshops with relevant stakeholders.

The project is a collaboration between Dr Simon Knight (Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation), Associate Professor Kirsty Kitto (CIC), and international colleagues.

Key publications:

Kitto, K., & Knight, S. (2019). Practical ethics for building learning analytics. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(6), 2855–2870. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12868
Workshops have been held facilitated by international collaborators, at:
  1. Feb 18, 2020 at New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development through the Learning Analytics Research Network https://events.nyu.edu/#!view/event/event_id/257775NYU:LEARN run by Associate Professor Alyssa Wise, Dr Qiujie Li , and Juan Pablo (JP) Sarmiento.
  2. Nov 29, 2019 at the Wollongong University hosted Australian Learning Analytics Summer Institute (ALASI, proceedings pdf here), run by Associate Professor Kirsty Kitto (UTS:CIC) and Associate Professor Linda Corrin (Swinburne University)