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Rupert Wegerif (U Cambridge) on AI and dialogic education

CIC was delighted to convene a small group of academics and PhD students to meet with Professor Rupert Wegerif, Director of the Digital Education Futures Initiative at Cambridge University.

Prof. Wegerif brings decades of research into the centrality of dialogue and dialogic learning,  his last two books being The Theory of Educational Technology: Towards a Dialogic Foundation for Design (with Louis Major), and Rethinking Educational Theory: Education as Expanding Dialogue.

Over 2.5 hours, we had a fascinating conversation, where Prof. Wegerif presented ideas from his recent books, opening up for conversation before moving onto the next topic. His concepts of dialogic space provide a rich theoretical context in which to appraise current advances in conversational generative AI agents.

Prof. Wegerif joined CIC’s Director Simon Buckingham Shum recently to co-chair the  First International Symposium on Educating for Collective Intelligence, which will develop into future activities this year.
