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Author: CIC Editor

Cooking data with care in MDSI

“Raw data is both an oxymoron and a bad idea;  to the contrary, data should be cooked with care.” (Bowker, 2005) Inspired by the fantastic opening provided in the public seminar presented by Geof Bowker (University of California at Irvine) about thinking critically and ethically about the intersection of Data Science, Information Infrastructure and Society, MDSI students enrolled in the mid-year intake of the program participated in a ‘serious game’ as part of their Self-tracking Data Project. ...
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July 30: Paul Culmsee – Mapping for multistakeholder dialogue and intellectual capital

We are delighted to announce that Paul Culmsee from Seven Sigma will be visiting UTS on Thurs 30 and Fri 31 July, running two interactive workshops in the Business School on the Thursday, as described in the flyers below, with some scope for follow-up meetings on the Friday: Glyma: A New Innovation in Harnessing Intellectual Capital Innovating with Visual Sensemaking Tools in Complex, Transdisciplinary Problems Paul will be introducing the rationale behind the design of an open source web ap...
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July 27: Geof Bowker – Big Data . . . Vibrations

We are delighted to announce that Geof Bowker (University of California at Irvine) will spend 27 July at CIC, including giving this seminar which is open to all staff and students interested in thinking critically and ethically about the intersection of Data Science, Information Infrastructure and Society. CIC Seminar, Mon 27 July, 2-3.30pm, UTS Building 11, Broadway: CB11:05:101  Abstract: There is no such thing as raw data — by the time it has been suitably cooked into a classifica...
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July 17: Gardner Campbell – From the Memex to the World Wide Mind

Gardner Campbell (Virginia Commonwealth University Vice-Provost for Learning Innovation & Student Success) will be spending the day at CIC on Fri 17th July, with a seminar 2.30-4pm, CB08.08.002. Gardner brings an uncommon depth and breadth of thinking about the future of the university and the role of technology — check out his often provocative blog for a flavour. Following a morning in CIC, Gardner will run a seminar which calls us back to some of the founding vision of computing pi...
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Academic Writing Analytics update

CIC has been developing AWA (Academic Writing Analytics), a rapid feedback tool for students at all levels (1st years to PhD) to help them reflect on how effectively they are using academic language in their writing. The Australian recently covered this development in a story about UTS (June 3rd). This tool currently makes use of a natural language parser in development at Xerox research labs, with whom we have a longstanding research collaboration. This will be combined with other open source ...
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Social Learning Analytics outside the LMS

Just kicking off, a project funded by Australian OLT, led by Kirsty Kitto and her team at QUT. This builds on earlier work conceiving Social Learning Analytics [1-2] and work by QUT's Mandy Lupton who is developing the concept of teaching+learning in the wild. This has led to the first release of the Connected Learning Analytics (CLA) Toolkit: “The CLA toolkit helps students and teachers to harvest data about their activities in standard social media environments, and then provide immediate fee...
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Launch of NIC@CIC

The UTS research mission is to have societal impact. CIC is committed to educational research that impacts practitioners in the trenches, in our schools and universities — here in Sydney's schools and at UTS, and globally through our interenational network.
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Meet our 2 new Research Fellows

CIC is building its team, and we’re delighted to announce the appointment of two new Research Fellows, selected for their human-centred analytics orientation, communication skills and transdisciplinary modes of designing and thinking. Working closely with UTS educators and leaders, Simon and Roberto will help design, deploy, evaluate and theorise next generation analytics tools. These will help both learners and educators see patterns in the data traces left by Learning.Futures student activity....
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Chris Goldspink (Incept Labs): Your worldview shapes your teaching

Whether higher education or K-12, one of the greatest challenges in shifting how we teach is shifting teachers’ mindsets. Ruth Crick and I have a long-standing collaboration with Chris Goldspink at Incept Labs, Sydney. Chris brings expertise in the use of analytical tools to make visible the worldviews that practitioners hold. His findings argue that what educators do is grounded in their fundamental conceptions of knowledge, learning and teaching: in short, their epistemologies. Moreover, shi...
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