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Congratulations Dr Joseph Jung, PhD!

CIC front-end developer Joseph Jung isn’t just a user interface coding whizz: he also just received his PhD!

Joseph Jung is currently working at CIC as a front-end developer on the TRACK project. He has multiple roles at CIC including User Experience design and user interface development. But before joining CIC he was completing his PhD at the University of Sydney, on improving the usefulness and usability of a mobile app for “food journaling”. His key research contributions were to define Lock Screen ambience to help people maintain awareness of an important goal (such as food, water intake, and micro task logging), through the design and evaluation of a search accelerator to speed up searching for food in a large food database and systematic evaluation process.

Before doing his PhD, Joseph worked at Samsung Electronics as a UX engineer. In fact, he has 24 US patents for user interaction and user interfaces. He designed Motion UI for Samsung Galaxy Series and Bordeaux TV UI design, and many other product UI and interaction designs.
