Time: 12:00 AM
The NSW Learning Analytics working group will hold its first meetup of 2016 here at UTS. We warmly invite colleagues from across state to join us on Wed 3rd Feb in the stunning new Frank Gehry-designed Chau Chak Wing building in the Level 3 collaborative lecture theatre (CB08.03.005).
This is not a formal conference, but the chance to connect with peers to discuss work-in-progress.
To register (free!) please email Georgia.Markakis@uts.edu.au with [NSWLAWG] in the subject line to assist, and any dietary requirements.
We look forward to welcoming you to UTS.
Simon Buckingham Shum, Connected Intelligence Centre
Jurgen Schulte, School of Mathematical & Physical Sciences
10.00 Arrive and refreshments
10.20 Welcome
Shirley Alexander (Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education & Students)
10.25 Overview of the day
Simon Buckingham Shum & Jurgen Schulte
10.30 Experiences with an Adaptive Learning Product
Jurgen Schulte — University of Technology Sydney
10.50 Q&A
11.00 Piloting a Student Goal-Setting Application
11.20 Q&A
11.30 Scaling the Provision of Feedback from Formative Assessments
Abelardo Pardo — University of Sydney
11.50 Q&A
12.00 Co-developing Bespoke, Enterprise-scale Analytics Systems with Teaching Staff
Danny Liu — Macquarie University
12.20 Q&A
12.30 Lunch
1.30 Learning Analytics @ the Connected Intelligence Centre
Simon Buckingham Shum, Roberto Martinez-Maldonado & Simon Knight — University of Technology Sydney
1.50 Q&A
2.00 Ad hoc lightning talks from participants
2.30 Plenary Panel: Reflections on Approaches to Introducing Learning Analytics
Chair: Jennifer Heath, Director Student Support & Education Analytics — University of Wollongong
Speakers and attendees have the chance to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches that we have heard from today. This is the chance to compare and contrast the different kinds of analytics, and the different contexts in which they are being developed and deployed.
3.15 Closing Refreshments / Informal Discussions
Given the challenge of car parking, we recommend using public transport (10min walk from Central Station). Full directions/transport options.