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Meet CIC’s Data Scientist

CIC’s Data Scientist, Mike Pracy, is available to consult with you on how you can ‘do data’ better, faster, smarter. 

Mike’s background is in Physics and Astronomy research. He has a PhD in Astrophysics from the University of New South Wales and has held research positions in Universities and Astronomical Observatories. He has primarily worked on better understanding distant galaxies and Cosmology with a particular focus on the role played by ‘super-massive’ black holes. Much of his work involved working with large astronomical surveys giving him experience in analysing large and complex datasets. Since starting at UTS as the CIC Professional Data Scientist, most of his work has focused on applied analytics to better understand the UTS students population, facilities and resources.

Working with UTS Faculties and Business Units

  • General consultation about internal data-sets, statistics and analytics projects
  • Locating, accessing and utilising supplemental UTS data-sets to add `business’ or informational value
  • Production of data visualisations
  • Bespoke development of interactive reports and dashboards
  • Membership of committees or working groups that require an analytic component

Working with UTS Researchers

With a background in fundamental research and many years as a researcher in a highly quantitative field, Mike is also happy to consult with UTS staff on research matters.

The following are some of the areas he has experience in:

  • Handling Data – including merging, cleaning, combining and enhancement etc
  • Statistical analysis of data at a research level
  • Model fitting and model evaluation (eg. Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Nested Sampling)
  • Application of machine learning algorithms (including an intuition for when to, and not to, apply them)
  • Monte Carlo Methods for analysis or simulation
  • Natural Language Processing (coming soon)
  • Analysis of survey data of various types
  • Production of statistical and analytics visualisations
  • Full stack development of bespoke dashboards or interactive reports using purely open source software (all Python)
  • General advice on the applicability of all of the above to specific projects

Contact Mike on 9514 7530 or Michael.Pracy@uts.edu.au
