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Book Launch: ‘Data Science and Analytics Strategy: An Emergent Design Approach’ – Dr. Kailash Awati

On Friday 12th May, CIC hosted the official book launch for Dr. Kailash Awati (CIC Adjunct Fellow) and Alexander Scriven’s new publication titled:

‘Data Science and Analytics Strategy: An Emergent Design Approach’ 

By Dr. Kailash Awati and Alexander Scriven 

Available via Routledge (https://www.routledge.com/Data-Science-and-Analytics-Strategy-An-Emergent-Design-Approach/Awati-Scriven/p/book/9781032196329).

Publisher: CRC Press / Routledge – 2023

Abstract: This book describes how to establish data science and analytics capabilities in organisations using Emergent Design, an evolutionary approach that increases the chances of successful outcomes while minimising upfront investment. It blends academic research on organisational change and data science processes with real-world stories from experienced data analytics leaders, focusing on the practical aspects of setting up a data capability. In addition to a detailed coverage of capability, culture, and technology choices, a unique feature of the book is its treatment of emerging issues such as data ethics and algorithmic fairness. Most importantly, readers will learn how to build a fit-for-purpose data science capability in a manner that avoids the most common pitfalls.

Note: CIC website viewers are invited to purchase this publication at a discounted rate using promotional code ‘AFL01’ for a 20% discount off the cover price. This is valid until June 2023.
