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Simon Knight attends CRADLE Symposium on Digital Assessment Technologies


On October 16-17, CIC academic Simon Knight attended Deakin University’s “Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning” (CRADLE) International Symposium entitled Re-imagining assessment in a digital world.

The Open Forum event featured a panel of domestic and international experts working in the fields of learning science and analytics.

Participants reflected on how technology is transforming teaching and learning in higher education. Whilst there are many exciting possibilities in this arena, the uptake of technology in assessment has been relatively limited to date. Assessors generally do not take advantage of digital opportunities and digital innovators often draw from models of assessment that are no longer best practice. While meaningful changes are certainly starting to take place, there is a sense that the sector requires a fundamental shift in thinking.

The Open Forum asked experts to look beyond the hype of digital assessment and outline what needs to happen today to re-imagine assessment in a digital landscape.

Read more about CRADLE’s work here.

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