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Human Face of Big Data: movie + panel

Date: Friday, 12th December 2014
Time: 12:22 AM

CIC has just hosted a citizen engagement event, to introduce the general public, and UTS staff (we had a 50/50 split) to some of the ethical issues surrounding “Big Data”. We used The Human Face of Big Data movie — from the makers of An Inconvenient Truth — to kick things off, before inviting a distinguished panel to discuss the movie from their distinctive perspectives.


We’re grateful to our panel for their minds, passion and energy!

Glenn Wightwick – DVC Research, UTS

Eva Cox – Professorial Fellow, Jumbunna IHL, UTS

Michael Fraser – Director, Communications Law Centre, UTS

Tuck Wah Leong – Assoc. Professor, School of Software, UTS

John Lang – Senior Consultant, Executive Health Solutions

The movie does of course bring its own biases, and drew some fire from a number of quarters from our panellists. We’re using it as a provocation in our new Master of Data Science & Innovation, and strongly recommend it as a way to get the ideas flowing.

Check out the movie trailer…

…and the ensuing panel discussion…
