Home / Event / Presentation: “Who moved my Intelligence? How education can use Artificial Intelligence to boost Human Intelligence”, Professor Rose Luckin (UCL Knowledge, London)

Presentation: “Who moved my Intelligence? How education can use Artificial Intelligence to boost Human Intelligence”, Professor Rose Luckin (UCL Knowledge, London)

Date: Wednesday, 30th August 2017
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: UTS Connected Intelligence Centre

Who moved my Intelligence? How education can use Artificial Intelligence to boost Human Intelligence

 Prof Rose Luckin, UCL Knowledge Lab, London


The title of this talk at UTS:CIC was inspired by a self-help book from the 1990s called ‘Who moved my Cheese: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life’. Despite significant criticism, this book became a best seller and a popular tool in any change manager’s back pocket.

The implications of AI and automation for change in the future workplace is the subject of much current debate and the implications for all education sectors are significant. But how should Higher Education respond? In this presentation I considered the question ‘Who moved my Intelligence?’ and the inferences one can draw from exploring the answers to this question, about how we need to respond as educators to the consequences of workplace automation.

I focussed on two interpretations of the question: ‘Who moved my Intelligence?’.

  • Interpretation 1 considered how we need to ‘move’ our students’ intelligence beyond the routine cognitive processing of academic subject matter, and how AI can help us to achieve this more effectively.
  • Interpretation 2 considered what ‘moving’ certain intelligent work behaviours from human performance to AI performance in the workplace means for educators. I drew on research from within the AI and Education community and from the Learning Sciences to suggest ways in which we can and should use our Human Intelligence to gain the greatest benefits from our Artificially Intelligent technologies.

About Professor Rose Luckin

Rose Luckin is Professor of Learner Centred Design at UCL Knowledge Lab and Director of EDUCATE, a London hub for EdTech StartUps, researchers, educators, learners and parents to work together on the development of evidence based EdTech. Rose’s research involves the design and evaluation of educational technology using theories from the learning sciences and techniques from artificial intelligence (AI). She has a particular interest in how AI can be used to enable more effective, continuous, formative assessment processes and tools that capture cognitive, social, emotional and metacognitive progression. Rose is a Trustee and Governor at St Paul’s School, London; a Trustee of the Ufi Charitable Trust; a governor, at the Self-Managed Learning College in Brighton; a Trustee of the Education Media Centre and a member of the McGraw-Hill Learning Science Research Council Advisory Board.
