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TRACK Designer drop-in | 2 February

Date: Wednesday, 2nd February 2022
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: Zoom – further details provided upon registration

How can you start to ensure that graduates from your courses will possess skills that make them competitive in the Australian labour market?

TRACK Designer, aims to help faculty teams and course designers to think about their courses and how they contribute to graduate employability and job market demand. It uses Natural Language Processing (a subfield of AI) to tag subjects with skills that they are likely to teach, and then links those skills to jobs that have similar skill sets. It then provides simple insights about the Australian labour market for those jobs – is there a growing demand for your graduates? Perhaps you can find other career avenues that you had not thought of…

Come along to a drop in to give it a whirl, test it for your subjects and courses, and give us feedback about how it could be improved! (You can find out more on our Sharepoint site too)

Drop-in format

Due to the current number of COVID cases, this event has moved to remote only.

Remote location details will be provided upon registration.

Register for this event

Your video, audio and the meeting chat transcript may be recorded or photographed. Please advise the facilitator if you do not wish to be recorded or photographed.

To register your attendance, please 
