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ALASI2019: The Fifth Writing Analytics Workshop: Linking Reflective Writing Analytics to Learning Design

Ming Liu1, Rosalie Goldsmith2,Sumati Ahuja3, Xiaodi Huang4 Abstract Reflective writing is a fundamental learning activity across learning contexts. With the recent advancement of natural language processing techniques, text analytics are able to identify salient textual features of students’ written assignments, such as academic reflective essays and reflective statements, and generate actionable feedback. However, how to best use reflective writing analytics tools, such as AcaWriter, in d...
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UTS ViTaL: Ideation & Visual Thinking

“Seeing between the lines”: ideation and thinking visually for learning and teaching Theresa Anderson (CIC), Andrew Francois (IML), Katrina Waite (IML), Kelly Tall (CIC) CIC plays host to a learning community exploring ways ideation (processes for generating ideas) and visual techniques can support the design and delivery of teaching material and help students effectively think through and communicate their work. ViTaL (Visuality in Teaching and Learning) emerged as the outcome of a 2015 UTS L...
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Theresa Anderson: Building Responsible AI

We were delighted to welcome Theresa Anderson (CIC Alumnus, MDSI Course Director, and now Honorary Fellow) back to UTS to share her current thinking on one of the most pressing challenges... Abstract: As calls for more ethical applications of AI grow, so too does the need for guidance about what it means to work responsibly with data and AI technologies. This seminar offers techniques to transform ethical intentions into justifiable and practical actions. Theresa will share seven practical...
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First International Symposium on Educating for Collective Intelligence

Replay CI.edu 2024! • Program & Notes • Zoom Chat Collective Intelligence Intersecting, urgent challenges are precipitating large-scale crises, ecological, democratic, military, health and educational, to name just a few. This complexity is overwhelming our sensemaking capacity, provoking deep reflection across government, business, civic society and the academy. Fields as diverse and intersecting as organisation science, cognitive science, computer science and neuroscience are convergin...
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Student Voice on AI: Focus Groups & Survey (2024)

Building on the success at UTS of our 2021 EdTech Ethics Consultation, and the 2023 AI Ethics Workshops — we're back! This time, working with 3 other unis, doing a deep-dive into how you're thinking about Generative AI, just over a year since ChatGPT exploded on the world. Now of course, there are many other apps out there, and generating more than text: including Gemini, Claude, Copilot, Midjourney, DALL-E... Photo by Maxime VALCARCE on Unsplash You are invited to take p...
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Meaningful, impactful dialogue about the ethics of AI in university

Is there a practical way to engage the diversity of a university community in a meaningful, impactful dialogue about the ethical use of AI in teaching and learning? Yes there is, and here's how we did it... In Sept-Dec 2021, under pandemic lockdown, we ran five carefully facilitated, online workshops with a diverse group of students and staff. Their mission: to learn about the emerging world of educational technologies powered by data, analytics, and now AI to engage in critical thinkin...
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State-of-the-art reports published on Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education

CIC contributes to new reports on the state of the art of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Australia is fortunate to have some of the leading researchers in Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education,some of them being founders of these fields. Over the last year, CIC’s senior researchers Kirsty Kitto and Simon Buckingham Shum have been working with colleagues across the country on a series of research articles, documenting the state of play, and the ...
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CIC@LAK22: thought leadership and hard evidence

CIC provides UTS with both thought leadership and hard evidence about Learning Analytics. So it’s no surprise that the team will present multiple times at the premier international forum next month... Universities risk implementing data/analytics strategies that make little impact on real practice, if they don’t work closely with the academics, tutors and students who are expected to use those new tools. This human-centred design approach is one of CIC’s hallmarks, so running through our work...
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Learning Analytics to expand high school pathways into UTS

We need new ways to describe students’ readiness for university. Joining an exciting initiative led by the UTS Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion, CIC has helped hundreds of high school students from some of the toughest economic areas in Sydney, who are now about to start at UTS. The U@Uni Academy is a pioneering initiative led by the UTS Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion, to expand the pathways into a UTS education. U@Uni Academy is an alternate, non-ATAR entry pathway to stu...
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24/7 Instant Feedback on Writing: integrating AcaWriter into your teaching | 19 August

What difference could instant feedback on draft writing make to your students? Over the last 5 years the Connected Intelligence Centre has been developing and piloting an automated feedback tool for academic writing (AcaWriter), working closely with academics across several faculties. The research portal documents how educators and students engage with this kind of AI, and what we’ve learnt about integrating it into teaching and assessment. In May, AcaWriter was launched to all students along wi...
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