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CIC is 10!

10 years ago today, the UTS Connected Intelligence Centre (CIC) launched. In fact on that day, I was in the air en route London to Sydney, not only to start the new job, but on a pressing mission to find a home and school for the rest of the family, who would land in 6 weeks time! Jenna Price and John made me very welcome in their home, and who better than two wonderful journalists to give me a crash orientation course to life in Sydney and AUS – a special time! Shirley Alexander, UTS VP/...
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Can responses to a single survey question provide insights into students’ sense of belonging?

Doctoral researcher Ram Ramanathan recently presented his PhD work on Belonging Analytics, an emerging concept that we are developing here in CIC. Here's the replay/paper/slides from the international Learning Analytics conference at the Kyoto International Conference Center, and below are his personal reflections on this trip! Sriram Ramanathan, Simon Buckingham Shum, and Lisa-Angelique Lim. 2024. To what extent do responses to a single survey question provide insights into students' sen...
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Skills Passports at the Lifelong Learning Border

Kirsty Kitto (CIC Assoc. Prof. Data Science) has a new paper critically examining visions of the "Skills Passport", and identifying two key challenges that must be overcome for such a concept to become reality. In the light of the Australian Universities Accord report, this could not be more timely to inform the debate. Here's the latest work she will present at UMAP24 — the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users, t...
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CIC@LAK24 Kyoto

The International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK) is the annual conference of the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR), and the premier forum for researchers and practitioners. LAK24 comes to Kyoto this year, and several of the CIC team and our alumni will be contributing next week. Catch us there, or get in touch if you want to know more!... To what extent do responses to a single survey question provide insights into students' sense of belonging? Srira...
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Meaningful, impactful dialogue about the ethics of AI in university

Is there a practical way to engage the diversity of a university community in a meaningful, impactful dialogue about the ethical use of AI in teaching and learning? Yes there is, and here's how we did it... In Sept-Dec 2021, under pandemic lockdown, we ran five carefully facilitated, online workshops with a diverse group of students and staff. Their mission: to learn about the emerging world of educational technologies powered by data, analytics, and now AI to engage in critical thinkin...
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Assessment Reform for the Age of Artificial Intelligence

"This is our Kodak moment" This provocation was posed by one participant at August's TEQSA expert forum. Over-dramatic? Not if universities lose the capacity to assure learning. Assessment Reform for the Age of Artificial Intelligence is a consultation report from the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), Australia’s independent national quality assurance and regulatory agency for higher education. CIC's Director Simon Buckingham Shum and IML's Director Jan McLean had the pr...
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UTS Student Partnership in AI

In 2021, we convened an EdTech Ethics consultation, pioneering the principles of Deliberative Democracy as a process for university consultation. Building on this success, in late May 2023, we convened AI ethics workshops with 40 UTS students to share their perspectives on what the use of Generative AI and Predictive AI should look like in the future of UTS. The students were sampled from over 100 applicants, based on a range of diversity points. Out of this came two reports, co-authored with...
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Belonging Analytics: new concept, paper, webinar, community

Connecting the fields of student belonging and learning analytics: "Belonging Analytics" As with every purposeful human endeavour, motivation for learning and becoming a professional within a discipline is enhanced when individuals feel a sense of belonging. In the context of education, belonging refers to students’ subjective feeling of being a valued member of the learning community, that comes from a sense of connection with others as well as to the course of study. This affective dimensio...
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CIC celebrates 3 PhD graduates

Last week, CIC celebrated 3 of our students as they graduate with their PhD.  Dr. Vanessa Echeverria Barzola Year of completion: 2020 (commenced 2016) Thesis title: 'Designing Feedback for Collocated Teams using Multimodal Learning Analytics' Supervisor/s: Prof. Simon Buckingham Shum & Dr. Roberto Maldonado Martinez Thesis access link: https://opus.lib.uts.edu.au/handle/10453/140936 Dr. Vanessa Echeverria Barzola is now a Postdoctoral Fellow at Monash University, Austra...
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New CIC publication explores the intersection between big data and educational theory

Using causal models to bridge the divide between big data and educational theory A new journal paper by Kirsty Kitto, Ben Hicks and Simon Buckingham Shum has just been published in the British Journal of Educational Technology: Abstract: With the proliferation of data in educational settings it is becoming even more important to ensure analytical results are grounded in reality. Ideally we would like to embed our theoretical concepts from the learning sciences in our data products ...
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