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CIC@LAK24 Kyoto

The International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK) is the annual conference of the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR), and the premier forum for researchers and practitioners. LAK24 comes to Kyoto this year, and several of the CIC team and our alumni will be contributing next week. Catch us there, or get in touch if you want to know more!... To what extent do responses to a single survey question provide insights into students' sense of belonging? Srira...
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Meaningful, impactful dialogue about the ethics of AI in university

Is there a practical way to engage the diversity of a university community in a meaningful, impactful dialogue about the ethical use of AI in teaching and learning? Yes there is, and here's how we did it... In Sept-Dec 2021, under pandemic lockdown, we ran five carefully facilitated, online workshops with a diverse group of students and staff. Their mission: to learn about the emerging world of educational technologies powered by data, analytics, and now AI to engage in critical thinkin...
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Belonging Analytics: new concept, paper, webinar, community

Connecting the fields of student belonging and learning analytics: "Belonging Analytics" As with every purposeful human endeavour, motivation for learning and becoming a professional within a discipline is enhanced when individuals feel a sense of belonging. In the context of education, belonging refers to students’ subjective feeling of being a valued member of the learning community, that comes from a sense of connection with others as well as to the course of study. This affective dimensio...
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Automated feedback for Pharmacy students’ reflective writing: new evidence

New evidence of students' responses to receiving automated formative feedback on their reflective writing is now available. In a forthcoming paper from CIC's long-term collaboration with Cherie Lucas (School of Pharmacy, Graduate School of Health), the team reports that students who engaged with CIC's AcaWriter tool reported a range of benefits. Full-size colour figures not in the paper are also provided below. Cherie Lucas, Simon Buckingham Shum, Ming Liu & Mary Bebawy (In Press). Imple...
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Addressing educators’ concerns about Learning Analytics

It was a pleasure to spend Tuesday afternoon in Melbourne at the Assessment Research Centre (Director, Sandra Milligan) and Centre for the Study of Higher Education (Director, Gregor Kennedy). There is such a breadth and depth of work in these centres, and I met an extraordinary range of researchers. They invited me to address the concerns that many educators have around "Learning Analytics" — the application of data science to educational data, so here goes... Teaching, Assessment and Learning...
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Envisioning C21 Learning Analytics: LASI-Asia Keynote

CIC's Simon Buckingham Shum keynoted at the inaugural Asian Learning Analytics Summer Institute this week. LASI-Asia is one node in the international LASI network organised by the Society for Learning Analytics Research. The title of his invited talk was Envisioning Learning Analytics for 21st Century Competencies. This is an overview of the edited volume on the same theme, published in the Journal of Learning Analytics. If this topic is of interest, see also Learning Analytics vs. Cognitive ...
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CIC was very active at the 6th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) Conference in April. Below is a quick guide to find out what they presented... Pre-Conference Workshops, Monday 25 April 8:30am-4:30pm: Simon Buckingham Shum and Simon Knight co-chaired the full-day workshop on “Critical Perspectives on Writing Analytics”, with Andrew Gibson contributing. 8:30am-12:30pm: Simon Knight co-chaired the workshop “Putting Temporal Analytics into Practice: The 5th International Work...
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Reflections on 2015

Tomorrow it's Christmas Eve, and CIC will fall silent as midday strikes! It's a good moment to reflect on a dynamic year. . . If you're seeing this via our newsletter, then welcome to the first of the new updates in which we aggregate from the CIC website the month's activities for you to stay in touch with everything that the CIC team is up to. To kick things off, we have a bumper issue pulling in the last two months' news, plus this end of year retrospective. An innovation lab is only as good...
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Managing the Unimaginable

What would happen if we were to develop a mindset of  embracing the uncertainties (both present and emerging) that working with massive data sets entails rather than seeing them as problems to be solved? This question was the impetus for a paper which Theresa Anderson and Simon Buckingham Shum presented at the 11th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T). In keeping with the Symposium theme -- Imp...
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Creative contemplation meets data science in CICcalm

As we settled into our new home on the UTS Blackfriars campus, the team discovered a shared desire to make space for contemplation and calm in the midst of very busy lives.  And so CICcalm was born: a room set aside for quick creative and contemplative breaks from set work routines. It has become our go-to space for individual and collective meditation Inspiration for the current layout of CICcalm was drawn from Theresa Anderson's ongoing installation work at overseas conferences where partici...
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